Thursday, April 29, 2010

Simply Raw--watch it now!

Great movie for anyone who wants to rid themselves of any ailment, not just diabetes!

1. Just click on the title above to get to the site,
2. Close the advertisement in front of the screen, and
3. Press play! It should load and run pretty quickly.

Please leave your comments if you saw it!

Be well,

The Whole Body Consultant

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Free-Dome Academy this Thursday, April 29th, 2010

The Free-Dome Academy is based on a simple idea--we are all born Free. We do not need Freedom; what we need is a FREE-DOME, an open, clear thinking mind that is well informed and properly supported and motivated. We are offering a series of FREE workshops designed for young adults, aged 18-30, to improve their awareness and overall abilities.

We provide presentations and guest lecturers on topics ranging from finance and education to culture and leadership. During 2010, we've already examined important areas like Impressions of Masculinity, Deconstructing the Matrix, and Where Food Comes From with great interest and participation. In addition to the natural flow of discussion between participants, we also provide various media presentations and interactive activities to enhance the learning experience. Won't you join us?

The next event takes place this Thursday, April 29th at 7:00pm. We are having a discussion for all young parents about Immunizations, Vaccinations and Exemptions. Anyone who has a young child or who cares about a child needs to be there! Too many of our children are suffering with debilitating illnesses and behavioral issues because their parents simply didn't know 1. what the dangers are, or 2. what to do about it. If you are reading this, please send it to anyone you know in the New York City area who can benefit from finally receiving accurate information upon which they can make sound decisions.

There is already plenty of background information regarding Vaccinations on my blog, so feel free to take a look. I look forward to seeing you there--with someone important to you...

The next Free-Dome Academy:
Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 7:00pm (& every other Thursday)
Section Five Teen Center at Co-op City
141 Einstein Loop
Bronx, NY 10475
*refreshments and light snacks will be served

Again, this is a FREE series for male and female young adults 18-30. People of different ages are allowed to come as a guest of the young adult. We strongly encourage parents to make child care arrangements for their young.

To your Wellness,

The Whole Body Consultant

Agave Alert!!!


The point here is to grow your own... All processed foods are unhealthy. Please do not take this as an attack on the Agave that was made by Creation; this is about how it gets into the bottles and onto the shelves...

Thanks to Body and Soul Therapies and Dr. Paul Price of Houston for sharing this valuable information.

To your Wellness,

The Whole Body Consultant


Shocking! This 'Tequila' Sweetener is Far Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup Many people interested in staying healthy have switched to agave as a safer "natural" sweetener. They want to avoid well documented dangerous sweeteners like HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) but are unaware that agave is actually WORSE than HFCS.

So just what is agave?

Blue agave is an exotic plant growing in the rich volcanic soil of Mexico under a hot tropical sun, boasting a stately flower stem that blooms only once in its lifetime. "Agave" literally means "noble." It's generally recognized as a superstar of the herbal remedy world, claiming to offer relief for indigestion, bowel irregularity, and skin wounds.
Ferment it, and you have Mexico's favorite adult beverage -- tequila.

Just the name "agave" conjures up images of romantic tropical excursions and mysterious shamanic medicine.
These are the mental images agave "nectar" sellers want you to hold. They use agave's royal pedigree to cover the truth that what they're selling you is a bottle of high-fructose syrup, so highly processed and refined that it bears NO resemblance to the plant of its namesake.

What is the real truth about Agave?
If you knew the truth about what's really in it, you'd be dumping it down the drain -- and that would certainly be bad for sales.

Agave "nectar" or agave "syrup" is nothing more than a laboratory-generated super-condensed fructose syrup, devoid of virtually all nutrient value, offering you metabolic misfortune.

Unfortunately, masterful marketing has resulted in the astronomical popularity of agave syrup among people who believe they are doing their health a favor by avoiding refined sugars like high fructose corn syrup, and dangerous artificial sweeteners.

And if you're diabetic, you've been especially targeted and told this is simply the best thing for you since locally grown organic lettuce, that it's "diabetic friendly," has a "low glycemic index" and doesn't spike your blood sugar.

While agave syrup does have a low-glycemic index, so does antifreeze -- that doesn't mean it's good for you. Agave syrup has the highest fructose content of any commercial sweetener -- ranging from 70 to 97 percent, depending on the brand, which is FAR HIGHER than high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which averages 55 percent.

This makes agave actually WORSE than HFCS.

It is important to understand that fructose does not increase insulin levels, which is not necessarily good as what it does do is radically increase insulin resistance, which is FAR more dangerous. You see, it's okay for your insulin levels to rise, that is normal. You just don't want these insulin levels to remain elevated, which is what insulin resistance causes.
That is why fasting insulin is such a powerful test, as it is a very powerful reflection of your insulin resistance.

In addition to insulin resistance, your risk of liver damage increases, along with triglycerides and a whole host of other health problems, as discussed in this CBC News video about the newly discovered dangers of high fructose corn syrup. The study discussed in this news report is about HFCS, however, it's well worth remembering that agave contains MORE fructose than HFCS, and in all likelihood, it's the FRUCTOSE that is causing these severe liver problems.
How Agave is Grown and Produced Proves it is Unnatural

Agaves grow primarily in Mexico, but you can also find them in the southern and western United States, as well as in South America. Agaves are not cacti, but succulents of the yucca family, more closely related to amaryllis and other lilies. Edible parts of the agave are the flowers, leaves, stalks and the sap.

A mature agave is 7 to 12 feet in diameter with leaves that are 5 to 8 feet tall -- an impressive plant in stature, to be sure. There are over 100 species of agave, in a wide variety of sizes and colors.

Although the industry wants you to believe that agave nectar runs straight from the plant and into your jar, nothing could not be farther from the truth.

In spite of manufacturer's claims, agave "nectar" is not made from the sap of the yucca or agave plant but from the starch of its pineapple-like root bulb[i]. The root is comprised mainly of starch, similar to corn, and a complex carbohydrate called inulin, which is made up of fructose molecules.

The process by which agave starch and inulin are converted into "nectar" is VERY similar to the process by which cornstarch is converted into HFCS1.

The agave starch is converted into fructose-rich syrup using genetically modified enzymes and a chemically intensive process involving caustic acids, clarifiers, and filtration chemicals[ii]. Here is a partial list of the chemicals involved:
· Activated charcoal
· Cationic and ionic resins
· Sulfuric and/or hydrofluoric acid · Dicalite · Clarimex · Inulin enzymes · Fructozyme

How natural does this sound?
The result is highly refined fructose syrup, along with some remaining inulin. Agave syrup comes in two colors: clear or light, and amber.

What's the difference?
Due to poor quality control in Mexican processing plants, some of the syrup gets burnt. Hence, the darker amber color. Of course, this poor quality control is marketed as an "artisan" variation, like amber beer, when in fact it contains higher levels of toxic impurities that arise from the sugar-heating process. Impurities aside, agave "nectar" is neither safe nor natural with laboratory-generated fructose levels of more than 80 percent!

It is worth mentioning that some websites mention that a natural raw agave product does exist in Mexico, made from the actual sap of the agave, but availability is limited because it is so expensive to produce. By far, the vast majority of agave syrups offered commercially are not this unprocessed raw agave from the sap.

Sales are Sweet for Agave Companies and Bad for You and Your Family Growing consumer resistance to HFCS has been a hole-in-one for the agave industry. Need a healthy alternative to those evil HFS products?

Agave syrup to the rescue!
In case you doubt the influence of marketing in setting trends and consumer buying habits, look at these statistics:[iii] New agave products more than tripled in number between 2003 and 2007, from 56 to 176. Agave syrup is now appearing in products such as energy bars, cereals and organic ice creams.
Revenues for the category "other liquid sweeteners," which includes agave, rose to more than $10.3 million in 2007, which was a 50 percent jump from 2006.
McCormick & Co., a major food manufacturer, placed agave syrup in its "top 10 flavors" list for 2009.
Two of Mexico's largest agave syrup manufacturers, Iidea and Nekutli, are sending increasingly large shipments of agave syrup to Germany, Japan and New Zealand due to growing global popularity. Agave is also quickly crossing over from the health food market to mainstream grocery chains, restaurants and taverns, and consumers (especially vegans and raw food enthusiasts) are replacing their honey and maple syrup with bottles of agave after being duped into believing it's a more healthful alternative.

The Myth of Agave as a "Healthy" Sugar Substitute It's important for you and your family's health to remember that agave syrup is neither healthy nor natural.
As reported by Dr. Ingrid Kohlstadt, a fellow of the American College of Nutrition and an associate faculty member at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health:
"Agave is almost all fructose, a highly processed sugar with great marketing."

Agave syrup is not low calorie -- it has about 16 calories per teaspoon, the same as sucrose (table sugar). The glycemic index is immaterial, once you understand the full extent of the risk this product poses to your health. The consumption of high amounts of sugar is what is inflating America's waistline, as well as escalating rates of diabetes, blood pressure and heart disease.

Although overall sugar consumption is definitely something to be concerned about, even more problematic is one type of sugar that wreaks extraordinary havoc on your body: FRUCTOSE. And if you want fructose, agave products next to pure fructose, have the highest percentage of fructose of any sweeteners on the market, over 50 percent more fructose than high fructose corn syrup.
Why You Need to Understand Why Fructose is so Important

All sugars are not created equal, in spite of what you might have been told Glucose is the form of energy your cells were actually designed to run on. Every cell in your body, every bacterium -- and in fact, nearly every living thing on the Earth -- uses glucose for energy.

But as a country, regular cane sugar, or sucrose (50 percent glucose and 50 percent fructose), is no longer the sugar of choice. It's now fructose.

This happened in the 1970s as a result of technology that made HFCS far less expensive to produce. Believe me, it was NOT done for its health benefits. This was purely an economic decision. Let me clear up any confusion here, as fructose is the primary sugar in most fruits. It isn't that fructose is intrinsically evil -- it is just the MASSIVE DOSES you and your family are exposed to that makes it dangerous. Because it is so cheap and makes foods taste so much better, it is added to virtually every processed food.

There are two overall reasons fructose is so damaging:
1. Your body metabolizes fructose in a much different way than glucose. Fructose is broken down in your liver just like alcohol and produces many of the side effects of chronic alcohol use, right down to the "beer belly"
2. People are consuming fructose in quantities that are 400-800 percent higher than they were 100 years ago due to its pervasive presence in just about all processed foods

Fructose Turns to Fat and Makes You Fat!
Unlike fructose which is nearly exclusively broken down in your liver and is directly converted to dangerous fats. This is one of the reasons why fructose is the leading cause of obesity. However, only 20 percent of glucose is metabolized in your liver. This is related to the fact that nearly every cell in your body can directly use glucose as a fuel source, so it's normally "burned up" immediately after consumption.

It is also important to understand that the fructose in fruits and vegetables is not the same fructose molecule you'll find in synthetic high-fructose corn syrup, which is manufactured in the lab. Naturally occurring fructose comes along with fiber, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, whereas fructose sweeteners have no nutritional value at all.

Additionally it is actually attached to other sugars and molecules and needs to be broken down before it is absorbed which limits the damage it causes. In HFCS it is a free fructose molecule, just as the glucose. Because these sugars are in their free forms their absorption is radically increased and you actually absorb far more of them had they been in their natural joined state which would cause a higher percentage of the fructose to pass to the intestine unabsorbed.

But the menace of fructose doesn't stop there.
Fructose also elevates your uric acid levels, which is actually more dangerous than elevated cholesterol levels as it causes chronic, low-level inflammation, which increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, arthritis and premature aging.
Fructose also "tricks" your body into gaining weight by fooling your metabolism -- it actually severely impairs your body's normal appetite-control systems.
Excessive fructose rapidly leads to weight gain and abdominal obesity ("beer belly"), decreased HDL, increased LDL, elevated triglycerides, elevated blood sugar, and high blood pressure -- i.e., classic metabolic syndrome.
Fructose metabolism is very similar to alcohol metabolism, which has a multitude of toxic effects, including NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). Metabolically it's very similar to drinking alcohol without the buzz. Remember to RADICALLY Reduce Your Fructose These biological changes are not seen when humans or animals eat starch (or glucose), suggesting that fructose is a "bad carbohydrate" when consumed in excess of 25 grams per day. However, it is important to remember that because fructose is so cheap it is added to nearly all processed foods. So even if you are seeking to eliminate it from your diet you will EASILY exceed 25 grams per day because it is "hidden" in so many foods. This is made worse by the deceptive and lax labeling laws which frequently allow gigantic loopholes for agribusiness to include it in the product and not identify it.
Making matters worse, your body easily becomes sensitized to fructose.

Fructose activates its own pathways in your body-those metabolic pathways become "upregulated." In other words, the more fructose you eat, the more effective your body is in absorbing it; and the more you absorb, the more damage you'll do.

You become "sensitized" to fructosr as time goes by, and more sensitive to its toxic effects as well. Let me be clear that it isn't fructose that is the problem -- but excessive fructose. And especially the concentrated amounts of fructose that your body was NEVER designed to process, such as what's in HFCS and agave syrup.

Agave nectar is EVEN WORSE than HFCS because it's even higher in fructose than HFCS (80 percent and higher), making it an even worse metabolic menace.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Amazing Workshop wtih Seniors

A quick note of grace and appreciation for the Seniors workshop I conducted today. The participants were open and receptive, and the atmosphere was brimming with creativity. I look forward to doing more with them, and they feel the same way...

Definitely bedtime, and a good nights sleep after fulfilling work. Peace and Light.

The Whole Body Consultant

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Nine Principles of Harmony

I always want to leave you focused on something very positive until I am able to post again. In that light, here is a piece of wisdom from the east that has stayed within me for decades. I pray it will also bring enlightenment to your BE-ing.

Nine Principles of Harmony

1. Peace

2. Consciousness

3. Forgiveness

4. Truth

5. NOW

6. Soul

7. Service

8. Gratitude

9. Light

For some, these are all very general, ambiguous words. But I ask you fro now to just observe them, gaze upon them, repeat them from time to time... I will share more about my revelations with these principles very soon.

Peace and Blessings,

The Whole Body Consultant

Vaccinations--If Facts are Your Thing...

The links below provide additional information as it pertains to vaccinations / immunizations.

In plain daylight…

--find out everything you need to know about every vaccination made. These figures are reported to the government by the manufacturers, and they still reveal shocking trends. Use the help option on the right side of each section to navigate.

A small resource of information
Love them, protect them, never inject them.

Vaccination Information Service:

The effects of Public Policy:

If you still require more research on the challenges of vaccination, then I strongly suggest you find the material of Dr. Gary Null. He is a master researcher, and has published several scientific findings, books and DVD's on vaccinations in general.

Here's to your wellness!

The Whole Body Consultant

Vaccinations: The Hidden Truth...

Perhaps it's best if we start from the beginning...

This profoundly informative documentary comes in 12 parts that are very easy to digest. You may still want to take it slow... the documentary itself might be the strongest vaccination of all.

Thanks to the Vaccination Information Service:

Awareness and Wellness,

The Whole Body Consultant

What is Actually in a Vaccination?

This information is vital to health of all young children. For instance, did you know that the average child is expected to receive at least 12 different types of immunizations before they are 2 years old? Believe it or not, the largest issue with this practice is not the dead version of the disease they are putting into your child; it is the large amounts of stabilizers and preservatives (including Mercury) that your child must also ingest and process.

If you still don’t know about the dangers of so-called vaccinations, then please see a documentary entitled “Vaccinations:The Hidden Truth.” In this clip, they provide the ingredients of just about every immunization on the market...

Thanks to the Vaccination Information Service:

Were we told it was 'good' to put this into our blood when we were children? How will we know how all of that affected us? Did you already put all of this into your child's blood stream? If so, will you continue?

Awareness and Wellness,

The Whole Body Consultant

Being my Brother's Keeper...

This journey started about two weeks ago, when a younger colleague asked if I had any information about immunizations for children--more specifically how to avoid them--in New York State. Always eager to share, I told him what I knew. Also, because I am always eager to teach, I directed him to some places where he might find resources.

A few days later, I inquired about his progress, and he shared with me how limited the information was on the topic of finding exemptions within New York. Always thinking 'accessibility and ease in 2010,' I invited him to sit with me as I found some of it online. Little did I know what it would lead to...

While finding a plethora of general information on the subject, I was amazed at how difficult it was to get specific and accurate information pertaining to laws, statutes, and procedures for immunization exemptions.

So begins this journey: the absolute knowing that this legal information should be open, accessible and important to every person who wants to make conscious decisions about their child's health. I haven't change my focused to an exemption advocate, but it clearly stood out to me as one of the most important issues in overall health today. If it affects your ability to be Whole, then I'm interested...

I recognized it as an opportunity to gain knowledge and resources, and got started right away. By scheduling in an hour of time over a few days, I was able to gather all of the information you will find the subsequent sections having the word "Vaccination" or "Immunization" in the title.

I will start with the dangers, and of course supply solutions as we go along. Feel free to share with your friends and loved ones, leave comments, and provide additional information.

Peace and Blessings,

The Whole Body Consultant

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Words from the good doctor...

Taken from a Youth Summit in 2007... the end, my 10-10-10 formula is as follows...

For optimum health, we must focus our attention:
10% on diet
10% on exercise
10% on rest...

and 70% on ATTITUDE!

Yes, this will determine more about your health, your lifestyle, the types of relationships you have and your income more than anything else.

Some people might say "You have an attitude!" but that is not what I mean here. We always have an attitude--the thing that shapes our ideas, beliefs, and in turn our expectations. What is your attitude? About health? About life? About relationships? About the three things I l said before (diet, rest & exercise)? Is it helping you or hurting you? Start there...

The Whole Body Consultant

Back in the Public Eye...

Greetings to all who come to this site and may have checked in from time to time. Thank you so much for your continued support and patience as I graciously move through my next stage of growth, development, and expansion. Through my presentations, many of you have asked for a clearer picture of why The Whole Body Consultant always seems to be 'on the move, heading to another engagement?'

The answer is simple: from those who much is given, much is required. I love and appreciate the opportunity to reach people with a simple an tangible message of wellness. It's just that there are more opportunities to reach more people at once, and it is taking up more of my time. Here is a list of passions in pursuit for 2010:

I still conduct individual consultations, and the BLOODFIYAH! Juices are now only made for clients on a specific Whole Body Regimen. Contact me via email if you would like to schedule a personal, phone or Skype meeting.

Reaching elders through presentations at churches and social organizations. In these settings, those who are getting older in age learn specific actions they can take to maintain and even improve their vibrancy, alertness, and overall health.

Teaching "Sexual Health & Pleasure" classes to students (Divinity school students, no less) in universities across the country. It basically breaks down to two parts--Sexual Health and Healthy Sex. This is new material, and so far I've received no less than a '10' on any class review. One woman wrote "You were made to do this... This is your calling!" When then participants are thrilled with the material, it affirms my positive intention and inspires me to even greater heights. Send me an email if you want to know more...

Educating youth through my "Healthy Living & the Culinary Arts" classes. Subsequently I have become a liaison with the NY Food Bank. Through this effort, youth are empowered with social awareness, healthy living techniques, and recipes that are quick, inexpensive, and much healthier than their common 'fast food' dietary regimen.

Organizing the 'dome work' (as I used to call it) required to create these presentations, along with all of the wisdom I have gained by dealing with my clients, has left me with a treasure of information that I am now organizing into a volume of books. They will be simple, informative and practical--meaning you will have an opportunity to expand and improve your life with each one. Stay tuned.

Thank you again for your love, your light, your well wishes, for your challenging questions and emergent situations. All of those are times when I can feel myself gain more power, and receiving them makes me who I am today...

Peace and Light,

The Whole Body Consultant