Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wisdom of the Elders -- Dr. Paul Goss Interview

Most people have heard of the Master Cleanse. Most people have even heard of a signature product called CKLS. But few people know that they come from New Body Products, or that the creator of this 100% natural line of herbal products is Dr. Paul Goss.

Take some time to listen to this elder who has been practicing natural medicine for over 50 years. You will be glad you did. Just click on the title above.

***FYI, every single thing he says can be medically proven, so please don't take his easy, country tone as a sign of simplicity--take it in stride...


Dr. Paul Goss, founder and president of New Body Products, was the eighth child of ten born to Sam and Annie Goss in Canton, Georgia. He was raised in a company town called Alcoa, Tennessee.

He received the basis for an international education not in the poorly funded segregated school, but from two African Elders. Doc Mitchell, the Root Doctor and Ms. Bellamy, the Herb Lady. They were root workers, one who knew the value of herbs and how to apply them. Influenced by his teachers, Dr. Goss became an organic chemist for a large company after attending Stillman College in Alabama.

By 1965, he developed an impressive client base as he shared his self-taught knowledge of herbs and holistic healing. In 1976, he established NEW BODY PRODUCTS, maker of C.K.L.S, in Compton, California.

Using iridology for a diagnosis along with herbal remedies and vegetarian diets, Dr. Goss has helped people achieve the New Body they wanted through his unique application of ancient holistic healing.

Dr. Goss has lectured on holistic topics throughout the United States and abroad. He has written three books, Forever Young, The Natural Way, and The Rebirth of Gods. He is the key developer of Eden,, a holistic health resort in Arizona.

Today, NEW BODY PRODUCTS are distributed by hundreds of experienced holistic practioners as well as lay people throughout eighteen countries-- the U.S., the Caribbean, as well as Africa and Europe.

Awareness is also part of your Wellness!

The Whole Body Consultant

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